See hear

In contrast to the explosion of life in spring and summer, autumn can seem quiet and dull. But the P-O still has plenty to offer, from small creatures to dramatic vistas and skiesLook and you will see; listen and you will hear. 

Where there’s mud…

… there may by footprints

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These are badger (blaireau) tracks



… can still be found in the foothills of Canigou.

Seedhead of carline thistle (carline)

In those days – perhaps even today in some rural German villages – carline would be carried by people to ward off evilIn Basque culture it was traditionally fixed on front doors as a symbol of good fortune, and elsewhere it was regarded as a rain forecaster: in humid air the flower closes to protect the pollen. 

The root was used as a diuretic and cold remedy – among other things. 

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While young, the flowerhead bud used to be cooked and eaten like a globe artichoke, which gave the plant the nickname: Hunter’s bread.

Medieval Viagra

For male sexual potency of a stallion: 

Take 1 carline root, harvested under a new moon, from a plant fertilised with sperm of a black stallion. Chop finely, boil until tender and stir into your man’s soup or stew. 

Bonne gymnastique! 

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Leafless or autumn crocus (colchique d’automne)

Also called Naked Lady and Meadow Saffron, this isn’t a true crocus and its stamens must not be mistaken for saffron.

As its French name implies, it contains colchicum, which has anti-inflammatory properties. However, all parts of colchicum plants can be poisonous – to animals as well as humans! 

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Field Gentian (gentiane des champs)

“Gentian” is attributed to Gentius, King of Illyria in the Balkans during the 2nd century BC, who  apparently discovered that the plant was an antidote to venom. 

Reptiles and insects…

still take advantage of the last warm days and nights. 

Despite appearances, theyre harmless to humans – folklore has it that the French once thought a mantis would point a lost child home. In real life, they are gardeners’ friends, helping control pests.  

Word meaning

The Greek word “mantis” means prophet or seer. Because of the way the insects hold up the fronts of their bodies and position their huge forelegs when at rest, it appears as though they are praying. They risk turning into lunch for birds, bats, spiders, snakes and lizards, so perhaps they are saying their prayers! 


Murmurations of starlings (étourneaux sansonnetsmight catch your eye, or you might hear strange callslike a cross between turkey and goose coming from common cranes (grues cendrées) on their way south from Eastern Europe. Look up for flocks flying in V formation. 

 If you have a garden, small surprises may hide there. In mine, one November morning, I discovered this pellet caught in a tree. It’s from a tawny owl (chouette hulotte). 

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Owl pellet

Already partially disintegrated by rain, dissection revealed more bones and the remains of a couple of beaks. Owls are best known for pouncing on small rodents, but they also snatch small birds from trees while they’re asleep or brooding eggs and chicks on nests!  

Dissected owl pellet


Talking of owls, this is the month to hear the massive yet elusive eagle owl. With a 1.38-1.7m wingspan (versus the common tawny’s 0.9-1.04m), no wonder its deep, booming “ou-hou can carry 2-4km! 

Although our most colourful and impressive summer residents have returned to Africa for the winter, many birds remain, including a couple of my favourite warblers. 

Almost every garden seems to have at least one sardinian warbler (fauvette mélanocephale). This is a male (orange around the eye helps distinguish them from blackcaps).

Sardinian warbler (fauvette mélanocephile)

Now that leaves have fallen, it’s easy to see this year’s nests of Asian hornets (frelons asiatiques).

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Asian hornets’ nest

Last but not least…

if you don’t see anything of note close to hand, the P-O is never short of moody vistas or dramatic cloud formations. 

Lesley McLaren is one of “The Warblers”, a group of natural history enthusiasts based in the P-O.

For more blogs and photos, or if you’d like to contact them, visit

You can also follow them on Twitter @66warblers

All photos by “The Warblers”, unless otherwise stated (hover mouse over images)

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