Traditional Calçotadas take place in March (occasionally late Feb too!).
Gégants are enormous painted figures, several metres tall, constructed on a wooden framework with heads made from paper maché and plaster of paris – a tradition which goes back to the Middle Ages, depicting religious figures in parades.
During the Retirada, Spanish Republicans fleeing the Franco regime poured over the border into the P-O. But it wasn’t just people, many important pieces of artwork joined the exodus.
Traditional Calçotadas take place In February and March. Down as many of these tasty onions as your tummy will allow, dipped in sauces and usually served up with BBQ, live music, sardanes……
Franco believed Sardane dancers were passing on coded messages with their feet!
History tells the facts – Art tells the story
Over one hundred years ago, Rudyard Kipling and his wife arrived in Vernet-les-Bains…
The Red Box: This expo is over but the photos on the page are sadly reminiscent of what is going on in the world today.
You may already know that the donkey is the symbol of Catalonia, French and Spanish, whilst the bull is the unofficial national symbol of Spain, but do you know how it all started?
Team Cargols, a Perpignan-based association seeking to promote the delicacy that is snail cuisine, cordially invite you to the Fête del Escargot