Mayday TV Service is back! Just like before but better!
By Phil Monaghan
Easy Fix for TV Junkies
You may not consider yourself to be a TV junky but when it comes to the small screen, it’s probably true to say that many Brits, not forgetting those from the Emerald Isle, can get severe withdrawal symptoms if the box isn’t on, or worse still, goes on the blink!
It’s less an addiction, and more a part of life’s routine. Like taking a regular tablet, or drinking your cuppa in the morning, the imminent countdown to the six ‘o clock news can trigger an involuntary action that draws you directly to the remote control. But don’t worry. Dinde froide is not on our TV menu!
I moved to the P-O just over six years ago from the Limousin, where my satellite dish and Humax box had stood me in good stead for many a year. But here in the deep south, I was suddenly faced with the unthinkable! No decent TV reception.
Fortunately, having spent the last 35 years of my childhood in IT, I had some ideas of how to tackle this. (If you have any computer type issues, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Mayday on 06 82 26 31 54.)
So what are the solutions? Well, first I looked at the idea of installing a 1.5m satellite dish, certainly a possibility, but here in the P-O, a few hefty puffs of the Tramontane could take both it and your roof on a Magical Mystery Tour of Carcassonne.
So I produced a short bucket list for watching TV.
- Obtaining the largest choice of channels in line with my viewing options in the UK (and channels for other nationalities)
- A decent picture
- Ease of use.
And I continued to look into the various solutions, an ongoing investigation that has proved both interesting and informative, helped by conversations with other ex-pats with the same aims.
One thing was clear: if there WAS a way to watch programs here in the P-O that had become unavailable following the Astra satellite re-alignment, there would be a great deal of interest. So on I plodded, in search of the simplest and most efficient resolution to the P-O telly-viewing problem.
In the end I chose to team up with a simple system that does all the setting up for you.
The old adages, “there’s no such thing as a free lunch”, and “you get what you pay for”, are certainly true when it comes to these types of service.
In order to provide a TV service over the Internet that can deliver a quality picture with the highest percentage availability means a massive investment in technology. We use the latest servers and software to do just this.
Our service brings together live TV with 14 day catch-up, a movie and box set library of over 100,000 titles, radio, karaoke, and even a comprehensive music library. For the hard of hearing we have 18 UK channels with subtitles, and there are special ‘lighter’ channels to improve reception for those with a weak signal. Our list of channels is under constant review as new broadcasters, such as Talk TV and GB News, come to the market.
All this is delivered via a portal for which there is an access charge and then the choice is yours as to what you watch.
Go gaga with Lala Land, pour a Pimms and settle down in front of Wimbledon, or the Tour de France, or crack open a bottle of champagne for a karaoke night in with the girls! Wella wella wella….. Tell me more, tell me more!
And the best of all – it’s so simple to use!
Get in touch to find out how we can help