a weekly update of the local news
Fight at Foire St. Martin – A fight between two cousins attending the opening day of the Foire St. Martin in Perpignan became violent when both produced weapons which they claimed to have been carrying in ‘self-defence’ – one launched a tear-gas canister and the other used a knife, resulting in head wounds to both parties.
Grand Café de La Poste, Perpignan – Prior to closing for major refurbishment works, the owners decided to hold a huge ‘clearance’ sale of old equipment and decorations. Goods on offer this Wednesday included 1950s Cash Registers, A Seeburg jukebox with several vinyl records, leather banquettes, tables, chairs, pictures and also 750 bottles of Byrrh dated 1976. The Café hopes to open in around 4 months.
Hit and Run in Perpignan – A 69 year old man was knocked down and seriously injured while crossing a road. The driver initially got out of his car but when witnesses called the emergency services he jumped back into his car and drove off. He is said to be around 25 years old, politely spoken, of Mediterannean appearance and driving a black Volkswagon Golf.
Cockroach infestation – An HLM Residence in St. Cyprien has been infested with cockroaches since August and the residents are at the end of their tether. At least 5 floors of the residence are crawling with the creatures and unless the whole buildings is fumigated, this will continue. The residents have pleaded with the Mayor – and even delivered bags of dead cockroaches as evidence – but it is believed that the infestation started on the top floor where some tenants had been evicted, the keys are with the bailiffs and the HLM management are unable to gain access to clean.
Animal Circuses to be banned? – Following last year’s ban on bull-fighting, the Catalonia Regional Government are to discuss a new bill which may lead to the banning of all circuses featuring performing animals. This would also apply to visiting circuses from outside the region.
Trick or treat trouble – Halloween night became the stuff of nightmares in Pia when two rival groups of trick-or-treaters started fighting near La Poste. One of the men produced an air-rifle and two members of the same family were lightly injured when the groups came to blows.
Disabled driver caught speeding – Police apprehending a motorist travelling at 200kmph on the A9 at Leucate were amazed to find that he was hemiplegic and his Mercedes had been especially adapted to be operated by hand controls only. It will be some time before he will be allowed to drive this vehicle again.
And finally…..
A shaggy dog story with a happy ending – A distraught owner thought she had lost her dog forever when she accidentally dropped the lead and it ran off, on the outskirts of Canet. 2 days later another dog owner heard barking and discovered the dog trapped in a storm drain. The noise of the initial rescue attempts scared the dog so much that it retreated even further but finally, on Friday, with improvised rescue equipment involving ropes, a bucket with holes in it, and jets of soapy water, Havana the Labrador was pulled free and reunited with her owner.
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