Food for Thought with Suzanne Dunaway

Summer ceviche

I adore ceviche, made with fish, scallops or petoncle, especially when I need an appetizer or small palate pleaser for apéros. A food processor is handy for this, but you must watch carefully and pulse only a few times and not purée the fish! If this happens, you can use it for a fish soup or quenelles, but ideally a few pulses will get the fish chopped into nice manageable pieces for a ceviche.

Get your delicious fresh fish from one of the many amazing fish markets, including the brilliant Criéé Poissonerie in Port Vendres.

Ceviche can be used as a summer entrée or even main course with potato salad, a cold pasta salad or deviled eggs. Many possibilities.

I often serve this in a halved avocado after chopping up the avocado into little pieces to mix with the ceviche. It is good with crackers and a good white wine, a wonderfully non-fattening dish, full of protein and lovely in hot weather.


Serves 4


  • 2 very fresh boneless white fish filets (sea bass, cabillaud) or 8-10 scallops (frozen from Picard work well as they can be slightly unfrozen and sliced easily)
  • Juice of 4 – 6 limes
  • Pinch of ground up espelette
  • 2 firm tomatoes, chopped
  • 1 small sweet onion, chopped fine or grated, or 3 young green onions, minced
  • 1 small bunch fresh cilantro, chopped fine
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste


The scallops, if you are using them, should not be put in the processor but sliced or chopped by hand.

In a mixing bowl, toss the scallops or fish with the lime juice and mix well. Refrigerate for 30 minutes or until you will be serving. Drain off any extra lime juice and use it in soups or salads. The fish should now be opaque and you can toss it with all the rest of the ingredients.

Add the espelette, tomatoes, onion, cilantro. Taste for salt and pepper and chill again. Just before serving, toss with the olive oil.

Meet the chef

P-O Life reader, Suzanne Dunaway, has cooked since she was 5 years old, when she made cinnamon pinwheels from her mother’s pastry dough.

She LOVES to cook. Some might say she LIVES to cook. The smells, the tastes, the textures…

She is a firm believer in simplicity and creates her recipes in the ethos of ‘anyone can cook’.

After years of experience in her own kitchen, cooking schools and private classes all over the world, in this weekly blog, Suzanne shares with us her PO-inspired creations.

With many strings to her bow, she is also an artist and columnist, with two published cookbooks.

Get a copy of her ‘No Need to Knead: Handmade Artisan Breads in 90 Minutes’ here  

Or her 5 star rated book ‘Rome, at Home: The Spirit of La Cucina Romana in Your Own Kitchen’ here

All content and recipes are copyright of Suzanne Dunaway.


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