In 2016, a section of the mobile ‘radars nouvelle génération‘ manned at present by the police, was handed over to “prestataires agréés”, approved, private service suppliers.
The move was initially experimental, but has been given the green light and will now be set up around France from September.,
Cars installed with radar equipment will be driven by ‘civilian’ drivers, who will be told what areas to patrol, and will simply drive the route directed – the equipment will do the rest, registering car speeds and number plates.
These cars are virtually unrecognizable, a small triangle on the number plate being the only sign.
The move is expected to generate 10 times more tickets and millions in extra revenue for the state.
Emmanuel Barbe of the AFP was quick to point out that the private company will not be involved with the handing out of fines.
“Ces voitures liront automatiquement les panneaux (de limitation de vitesse, NDLR). L’entreprise privée ne participe en rien à la constatation de l’infraction”
The 319 vehicles equipped with this latest speeding equipment will rise to 440 by 2018