Fans of Les Chevaliers du Fiel will be delighted to hear that Port-Vendres has been chosen for a feature-length comedy about their favorite theme: civil servants!
Starting in May and June, Port-Vendres will host the shooting of the new movie by the Chevaliers du Fiel, “Les municipaux”, directly inspired by the hilarious duo of Francis Ginibre and Eric Carrière, and their tongue-in-cheek mockery of all things French.
With 70 actors and technicians, it will also bring much needed revenue to the region, estimated at a million euros for the commune.
Why Port-Vendres? Well, it appears that one of the Chevaliers du Fiel, Eric Carrière, spends most of his holiday there, has owned a yacht for 10 years and has many friends amongst the Port-Vendrais.
Unfortunately, Port Vendres will be renamed Port-Roussillon for the film.