….a quick glance at the latest local news with Caroline Manson

Anti-mask demonstration

coronavirus mask

Around 450 people protested in front of the town hall, angry and worried about the new rules stating that children from the age of 6 have to wear masks in school. The parents are concerned that the children are suffering from headaches from wearing masks all day – even for sports sessions. The protest was very peaceful but specifically chosen to be in Prades as the former Mayor, Jean Castex, is now prime minister of France, so it will generate more publicity for them.

Macron visits le Perthus

le perthus

As part of the fight against illegal immigration and terrorism, Emmanuel Macron has announced the strengthening of border controls in France. During a visit to the border town of Le Perthus (one of the main entry points for illegal immigrants in France) the President announced that security forces would be doubled – from 2,400 to 4,800
police officers.

Florist donates stock to caregivers


Forced to close her shop due to the current confinement, Muriel Marcenac, a florist from Saint-Estève was left with a shop full of flowers that she could not sell. Rather than waste them she decided to make them up into bouquets and placed them on the bonnets of hospital staff cars.

Teachers strike

Teachers at Lycée Pablo Picasso in Perpignan did not feel that the sanitary conditions introduced in respect of Covid-19 were safe enough to work in so they have refused to continue teaching.  They are requesting alternative grouping of pupils ie. Group A one week, Group B the following week, a bell system to allow the classes to be ventilated between classes, and a more efficient system of cleaning and disinfection.  

Big game hunting allowed


Despite the confinement, the prefecture has decreed that la chasse can continue, but only to hunt larger animals such as deer and wild boar.  

€2 million found in car boot

As part of a large investigation into an international drug smuggling team, the Lyon gendarmerie requested that the Le Boulou police intercept a car travelling in the direction of Spain.  €2 million were discovered in the boot – profits from drug smuggling and on the way to Spain to be laundered.

And finally…

An article by France Bleu Roussillon has tried to explain whether it is still possible to do your shopping over the border in Le Perthus or La Jonquera.  Theoretically there is no limit on kilometres for where you choose to buy your groceries – if you live in Le Boulou you will ‘probably’ be OK but if you come from Perpignan you will ‘almost definitely’ be fined as the police consider that you already have the necessary shops nearby. 

The border remains open and the Spanish police confirm that no-one will prevent you from entering Spanish soil, but it depends on what day of the week it is: from Monday to Thursday there is free movement but on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, Catalonia is subject to municipal confinement and French cars are likely to be stopped (and fined up to 600€) unless they have a valid and urgent reason to travel (such as being President of France). 

The Catalan Ministry of the Interior confirmed that ‘nipping over the border to go shopping’ was not a valid reason….

Le Perthus frontiere border
French-Spanish border at Le Perthus

Caroline Manson is an independent Property Consultant – for advice on buying, selling, renting or renovating, don’t hesitate to contact her at

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