Brexit doom and gloom has pushed many British residents in France to apply for a carte de séjour but did you know that you must still have a valid passport (or ID card) to travel to any European country other than France?

As usual, PO Life brings you walks, restaurant reviews, recipes, airport news, French and English language exercises, silly jokes, days out…… and a host of talented guest writers who have volunteered (or been volunteered) to be your personal guides around the region.

Basil Howitt offers another snippet on the sex life of the Sun King, Louis XIV and, at the end of the local truffle season,  shares his modest acquaintance with truffled dishes and truffle lore. She…

News of a government scheme going round offering roof insulation for the symbolic sum of 1€ (Isolation à 1 euro) IS genuine, put in place to encourage homeowners to improve the energy consumption!

As usual, PO Life brings you walks, restaurant reviews, recipes, airport news, French and English language exercises, silly jokes, days out…… and a host of talented guest writers who have volunteered (or been volunteered) to be your personal guides around the region.