Canet’s New Aquarium
Canet-en-Roussillon’s original aquarium was built in 1983 and spanned 700 m² of old fishery buildings.
It was home to over 1,000 individuals of 350 exotic and Mediterranean species.
Receiving up to 60,000 visitors each year, the aquarium is an important part of the region’s tourism industry.
In 2013, the Société Publique Sillages (the delegated authority for the aquarium and the marina) decided to create a new tourist establishment, in the aim of boosting tourism all year round.
The site chosen for this new establishment will cover the existing aquarium and incorporate the Plein Ciel pool and the renovated commercial areas of the Quai de Barcelona.
Costing a cool €15 million, the new aquarium will cover nearly 3,500 m² and aims to at least triple the number of tourists!
The new aquarium, which will be called Oniria, will boost the current collection with other marine models and new specimens valued by the public, including an impressive range of sharks!
Set to open towards the end of 2019, the innovative project will transport visitors on a spectacular adventure. Beginning with a drop of water at the towering peak of Canigou, visitors will then follow the water on its journey around the world.
You are no longer just a spectator but rather an explorer immersed in realistic natural environments: mountain tops above the cloud level, snowstorms, tropical storms and more!
Follow the water cycle through space and time, coming face to face with an incredible range of flora and fauna along the way.
Oniria 2 boulevard de la Jetée 04 68 80 49 64 |