Fed up of waiting for parcels that just don’t arrive, or interminable disputes and hanging around on the phone with the provider about your mobile or internet connexion?
Did you know that you can complain online about problems with post and parcel delivery services, telephone, mobile and internet providers.
J’alerte l’Arcep has been set up by Communications authority Arcep (Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques et des Postes) to review complaints.
Whilst they will not deal with your complaint themselves, they will point visitors in the right direction to take their complaint further.
By monitoring complaints in this way, ARCEP will be more easily able to identify and recognise problems, giving them more power to regulate and push providers into improving their services.

We have been very disappointed with the delays when sending small packages through the post. These delays are very often around public holidays. Whilst we understand what a public holiday is we still cannot understand a ten-day delay with the post after one.
We also send packages that are never received or returned!…..despite the correct address on a clear label and a return address.