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AT A GLANCE December 2022

1st December 2022 - 31st December 2022

featured at a glace

Around the region December 2022

All of us here at P-O Life wish you a happy, healthy festive period.

Throughout the yearFairs and festivals around the region, little and large, celebrating every imaginable ‘produit de terroir’.
Throughout the yearCatch a bargain or get rid of your junk at one of the many vide-greniers across the region.
Throughout DecemberChristmas Markets.
Throughout December
Le Lydia, Le Barcarès
Village de Noël.
Throughout December
Christmas in Perpignan.
Throughout December
Century 21, Céret
Christmas toy collection.
Friday 2nd – Saturday 3rd
La Grande Plage, Le Barcarès
Parade des cygnes. Majestic torchlit parades of giant swan floats (Friday 6pm, Saturday 4.30pm and 9pm) followed by firework display at 10.30pm on Friday. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Friday 2nd, 8pm
Espace Jean Carrère, Argelès sur Mer
Telethon. Charity fund raising event. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Friday 2nd, 9pm
Foyer municipal, Maureillas las Illas
Grand bal du téléthon. Big charity 80s themes ball. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 3rd, 10am – 6pm
Grand Stade les Capellans, Saint Cyprien
Sénior… et alors? Senior citizen/resident salon with workshops, tastings, speed dating, conferences and more. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 3rd, 7pm
Espace Jean Carrère, Argelès sur Mer
Telethon Zumba. Charity zumba session. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 3rd – 1st January
Canet en Roussillon
Christmas in Canet.
Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th
Salle Thubert, Montesquieu des Albères
The Black Dog. English-language theatre performance. Admission 5€ 3pm / 8pm on Saturday, 3pm on Sunday. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 4th
La Grande Place, Le Barcarès
Grande parade de Saint Nicolas. Santa’s parade. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 4th, 4pm
Eglise, Banyuls sur Mer
Advent concert by les Amis d’Alain Marinaro.
Thursday 8th at 10h30
Palais des congrès, Perpignan
THEATRE EN ANGLAIS: ROSA PARKS STORY: ‘Theater in English’ presents some of the great works of Anglo-Saxon literature. Dynamic staging, original and expressive music and clear diction to make the performance accessible and understandable by all, both anglophone and anglophile.. Interested? Book your place by phone or email: 07 52 05 98 84 or resa@theatre-en-anglais.fr. FIND OUT MORE
Thursday 8th, 7.30
Salle Jean Thubert; Montesquieu des Albères
The Chorale internationale d’Albera will be presenting their new Christmas concert entitled “Ciel étoilé”. Bar/apéro. Entrance 5 €. Come and enjoy traditional carols, gospel, in English and French in a friendly relaxed atmosphere.
Friday 9th 20h30, Salle de l’Union, Céret. L’Education de Rita; Willy Russel’s comedy on education, literature and hairdressing – in French. Directed by Ian Stephens. €10
Friday 9th
La Grande Place, Le Barcarès
Les animaux fantastiques. Mythical creatures come to town for this magical torchlit parade (6pm & 9pm Friday) followed by firework display at 10.30pm. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Friday 9th – Sunday 11th
Les Voiles Rouges, Canet en Roussillon
Weekend des Créateurs. A weekend fair of creators and crafters, a great place for a unique Christmas gift. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 10th, 4pm
Eglise Notre Dame de la Réal, Perpignan
Concert de Nöel. Christmas concert from the chamber choir, Choeur de Chambre de Perpignan. 10€. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 10th, 5.30pm
Place de la République, Céret
Fête de la Llum. Catalan Christmas light parade. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 10th – Sunday 11th
La Grande Place, Le Barcarès
Grande parade le voyage intemporel. Based on the book by Jules Vernes, this parade embraces the mechanical wonders of Victorian England. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 10th from midday
Place de la République, Perpignan
P-O Life Christmas get-together
Sunday 11th at 10h30
Anglican Church, St George in Vernet-les-Bains
Carol service in English . MORE INFO
Sunday 12th, 5pm
Espace Jean Carrère, Argelès sur Mer
Concert de Noël. Christmas concert from the Orchestre Symphonique de Perpignan Catalogne. 5€. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Friday 16th, 9.30pm
Stade Gaston Godail, Saint Cyprien
Fireworks. Inauguration of the Christmas village with fireworks. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Friday 16th, 10.30pm
La Grande Place, Le Barcarès
Fireworks. Festive fireworks at the beach. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Friday 16th – Sunday 18th
Salle Génin, Saint Cyprien
Salon du fait main. Don’t buy plastic tat this Christmas, give something that has been crafted with love. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 17th
Vendanges de Noël. Christmas wine harvest, and more importantly tasting, with Catalan cobla and fanfare musical entertainment. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 17th, 4.30pm
Halle des Sports, Torreilles
Spectacle de Noël. Free Christmas show for the whole family. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 18th
Marché de Noël & foire au gras. Christmas market and foie gras festival. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 18th  at 17h 30
Salle des fêtes, rue de la Sardane, Sorède
Come and listen to the Chorale internationale d’Albera
sing their Christmas repertoire of traditional carols, gospel medleys and more.
Friendly relaxed atmosphere. Free entrance. 
Sunday 18th, 5.30pm
Eglise St Julien, Torreilles
Concert de Noël. Christmas concert by the Nothern Cellos ensemble. 10€. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 18th – Friday 2nd January
Argelès sur Mer
Christmas in Argelès.
Wednesday 21st 8.30pm
Salle St Pierre, Céret 
Piano recital by Oliver Franks, programme: Hayden, De Séverac, Albéniz.  €12
Wednesday 21st – Saturday 31st
Banyuls sur Mer
Christmas in Banyuls.
Friday 23rd, 10.30pm
La Grande Place, Le Barcarès
Fireworks. Festive fireworks at the beach. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 31st
Canet en Roussillon
Grand bal. Welcome in the new year with an evening of live music and dancing, capped with an incredible firework display at midnight. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 31st
Fête de la Saint Sylvestre. Another option for New Year’s Eve, with music, fair rides, bodegas, outdoor dance floors and midnight fireworks. Fancy dress theme: Carnival! Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.


*Photo credit: Tourisme Conflent Canigou