….a quick glance at the latest local news with Caroline Manson
Stabbing in Perpignan
Police were called out to the Saint Martin district of Perpignan on Saturday night when neighbours reported a ‘violent dispute’ going on. They found a woman covered in blood, rushing out of an apartment, and inside found the lifeless body of a 36 year old man who had been fatally stabbed. Apparently the apartment was a ‘squat’ for homeless people – three were arrested on the spot and a fourth was located nearby.
Drownings in Canet
Three elderly ladies on holiday in Canet got into difficulty on the beach at Canet when they went for a swim before 9am (before the beach was monitored by the lifeguards) They were swept away by the current and were struggling to reach the beach. A dozen rescuers spent 1 hour trying to rescue them but unfortunately 2 of them died and the third was taken to Perpignan Hospital suffering from water inhalation.
Drowning in Cerbere
Three friends were on a sailing boat when they spotted the marker buoy delimiting the border between France and Spain. Two of them decided to visit it, travelling in a rubber dinghy, but their 65 year old friend decided to swim for it, got into difficulties and lost his life. This is the seventh death by drowning so far this year.
Ram-raid on jewellery shop
In the early hours of Saturday morning thieves used a car to ram the security shutter of Créor jewelers in Saleilles. They then set the vehicle on fire, and fled in an other car with their pockets stuffed with jewels. This is the second time this shop has been targeted.
And finally …..

…. A 42 year old Colombian man was stopped by police on the A9, given a verbal warning and was also fined 22 euros – for riding his bicycle on the motorway. He explained that he was on his way to Carcassonne and had followed the instructions on his GPS which proposed the A9 as being the ‘fastest’ route. He entered on the Perpignan-Sud junction and rode for several kilometres in the direction of Narbonne before the gendarmes intervened, just before the Perpignan-North exit!