Be extra vigilant especially when entering & exiting larger retail stores in the region.
Yesterday, we were approached by a young-ish white male, who jumped out of a large transit van, to enquire if we had driven past him, in the Auchan car park.
As he was trying to engage, four other youths jumped out of the back of the van and started to approach our vehicle.
Fortunately, we had the doors locked and only wound down the window to enter into brief conversation.
It was obvious, if we had not been alert, they would have tried to open the doors & grab our shopping. We drove off mid conversation as the situation was just wrong & made sure he didn’t follow by driving around the roundabout twice. We watched him enter Auchan carpark.
Stay alert at all times. Lock your doors & only open your window to a comfortable distance. Place any shopping out of sight. If in doubt, don’t engage & drive away.