Water restrictions have been issued for 39 departments in France, particularly in the west with the Vendée and Deux-Sèvres on red alert. At the time of writing, restrictions have not yet been applied to the P-O.
Check out the government’s colour coded map of water restrictions in HERE
With consumption rising and resources falling, pollution of our water could become a real problem in the future. The drought appears to be over for the time being here in the P-O but if water restrictions are put in place, they will include amongst other things a ban on…
…. the use of water for leisure activities eg filling up swimming pools, although the ‘mise à niveau’ – small top ups – is acceptable.
…. washing your car other than in commercial car washes, which may still be used if open.
…..watering lawns.
Vegetable gardens may only be watered before 8h and after 20h
Failure to respect these restrictions could result in a fine of several thousand euros. Spot checks could be carried out.
Allier (03), Ardèche (07), Aveyron (12), Cantal (15), Charente (16), Charente-Maritime (17), Cher (18), Côtes-d’Or (21), Dordogne (24), Doubs (25), Drôme (26), Eure-et-Loir (28), Indre (36), Indre et Loire (37), Jura (39), Landes (40), Loir-et-Cher (41), Loire-Atlantique (44), Loiret (45), Lot (46), Lot-et-Garonne (47), Maine-et-Loire (49), Nord (59), Oise (60), Rhône (69), Haute-Saône (70), Saône et Loire (71), Sarthe (72), Savoie (73), Haute-Savoie (74), Deux-Sèvres (79), Tarn (81), Tarn-et-Garonne (82), Vendée (85), Vienne (86), Vosges (88), Territoire de Belfort (90), Yonne (89) and Essonne (91).