Have you received a payment demand for the PUMA health contribution, asking for a cotisation even though you have not been liable before?
It probably begins like this….
…..objet Mise en place cotisation subsidiaire maladie (cotisation PuMa)
Madame, Monsieur,
Depuis le 1er janvier 2016, la prise en charge des frais de santé a été profondément réformée dans ses principes par a mise en place de la protection universelle maladie (PUMa) Celle-ci conduit directement à ce que toutes les personnes travaillant ou résidant en France de manière stable et régulière ont droit, de façon continue, à la prise des frais de santé en cas de maladie ou de maternité.
The letter appears to be a standard letter explaining how PUMA cotisations are being calculated this year. No money is being requested at this stage.
The CMU de base (Couverture Universelle Maladie) was replaced last year by PUMA (Protection Universelle Maladie), as was the CSM (Cotisation Subsidiaire maladie), the percentage of contribution to be paid.
There are many exemptions, but it seems that hundreds of exempt people have received emails from URSSAF to say that they will be receiving an invoice for payment.
Don’t panic. URSAAF say that this letter has been sent out for information only, both to those who are liable and those who aren’t!