The question of energy production is a hot topic in the P-O
We are all aware (except perhaps the American president?!) that climate change poses a very real danger to our way of life, particularly with the unseasonal weather we are currently experiencing! Temperatures are rising, ice shelves are melting, rain patterns are shifting, and all as a result of human activity.
The European Environment Agency states that, although emissions decreased slightly in 2016, irreversible impacts are expected to increase. As such, member countries have pledged to ‘decarbonise’ their energy production systems by 2050.
During his election campaign, Emmanuel Macron promised €15 billion to facilitate this energy overhaul in France. Given that today, almost half of all French energy is produced from fossil fuels, the transformation is sure to cause significant disruption.
What are the alternatives for us here in the P-O?
With an average of over 300 days of sunshine each year and the Tramontane making a regular appearance, solar and wind energy would seem to be the obvious choices. But are they really viable? Let’s take a look…
So where do we go from here?
Fossil fuels MUST be replaced if we are to preserve this beautiful planet for future generations but so far, none of the renewables are able to perfectly meet our current consumption demands. So whilst you’re weighing up the pros and cons of different production methods, why not take a moment to revise and adapt your daily behaviours? Less is more… economically and environmentally!
Useful Vocab L’environnement = the environment |