Would you like to help to shape the future of the region?
The Canigó Grand Site committee is organising a series of debates/meetings in Conflent, Haut Vallespir and Riberal to invite residents to give their opinions. to help shape the future of the territory.
The ‘Grand Site of France’ label awarded to the Canigó mountain range in July 2012 for a period of 6 years, comes to an end soon and needs to be renewed.
The series of meetings, open to all (free entry) and spread throughout the region, will take place from 19h to 20h30, according to the following program:
Film: Un siècle de tourisme sur le Canigó (A century of tourism on Canigó)
Debate: Quel avenir pour notre territoire? (What future for our region?)
Apéro du terroir
17/11 Los Masos, salle polyvalente
22/11 Prades, salle Eyt
24/11 Millas, halle des sports
29/11 Vinça, salle Pierre Gipulo
30/11 Prats de Mollo La Preste, salle cinéma nouveau palace
1/12 Arles-sur-Tech, Auditorium de la Baillie (Centre pleine nature Sud Canigó)
6/12 Ille-sur-Tet, salle des fêtes
MORE INFO: Syndicat Mixte Canigo Grand Site
04 68 96 45 86