People of all ages in high-risk groups, are at present able to access the vaccine. It is suggested they consult with their GP beforehand to discuss any contraindications.
More than 700 centres throughout France have been opened to respond to demand.
– From 1 March, the AstraZeneca vaccination has been approved for use in people between 50 and 74, with comorbidities. It appears that some GPs are being flexible about the definition of “comorbidities”. (Presence of two or more diseases in the same person or underlying health conditions). Please contact your GP to check the situation locally.
– AstraZeneca has been approved to be administered from pharmacies. It joins the Pfizer-BioNtec and Moderna brands which are available at centres with appropriate cold storage.
– From 15th March, people over 50 with comorbidities can be vaccinated in pharmacies with the AstraZeneca brand.
– People aged 50-74 without comorbidities will be eligible for the vaccine as from mid-April.
If you are eligible, you can make an appointment for the vaccine in a number of ways:
- Call 0800 009 110, from 6am to 10pm everyday.
- Online via the interactive map showing your nearest centre.
- Directly via your nearest centre
- Via Doctolib
On the day of your vaccine, you will need to produce photo ID and your carte vitale.
Although the vaccine is an important step forward, it will not provide sufficient protection for another few months and so people are called upon to continue respecting the gestes barrières : hand washing, masks, social distancing;

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