French Bank Holidays (Jours Fériés) 2025

If you’re planning a holiday in the Pyrénées-Orientales in 2025, (or long term planning for the future), do bear in mind the dates of the numerous ‘jours fériés’ (bank holidays) during which some or all  shops and businesses may be closed.

Bank Holidays in France 2025
New Year’s Day
(Jour de l’An)
1st January

Good Friday (Vendredi  Saint)
19th April (not férié)

Easter Sunday (Dimanche de Pâques
20th April (not férié)

Easter Monday (Lundi de Pâques)
21st April

May Day (La Fête du Travail)
1st May

VE Day – WWII Victory Day (Fête de la Victoire)
8th May

Ascension Day (Le Jour de l’Ascension – 40 days after Easter Sunday)
29th May

Whit Sunday (Pentecôte)
9th June (not férié)

Whit Monday (Lundi de Pentecôte)
10th June

Bastille Day (La Fête nationale de la Bastille)
14th July

Assumption (l’Assomption)
15th August

La Toussaint (All Saint’s Day)
1st November

Anniversary of the 1918 armistice  which signalled the end of the First World War (Anniversaire de l’armistice de 1918)
11th November  

“Faire le pont”

Where a Bank holiday falls on a Tuesday or a Thursday, many small businesses will ‘faire le pont’ (make a bridge) and take  Friday or Monday off too to ;make a long weekend. This rarely applies to large shops, supermarkets etc, many of whom no longer close for most of the public holidays.



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