This beautiful set of 21 tapestry panels has been embroidered by a group of local women, of 6 nationalities. It depicts some of the history of Port-Vendres, from pre-history to the Phoenicians and through to present times. FIND OUT MORE

tapestry port vendres

After 2 highly successful exhibitions it has now been permanently housed under the dome of the Port-Vendres Cultural Centre, Place Castellane, on the second floor.

tapestry port vendres

We also have our workshop there, where we are currently designing our 22nd panel, celebrating the 200th anniversary of the township of Port-Vendres (23rd April).

We are open every Wednesday afternoon from 2.00 until 5.00 * when you will be welcome to join us, to look around, have a chat, and even have a go at sewing, if you wish.

Do have a look at our website
*Other visit times can be arranged – call 0468820617

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