Between now and 2021, the ERDF will install 28 million ‘smart’ meters to replace electricity meters.
According to a European Commission directive issued by Brussels in 2006, France is legally obliged to change 80% of its meters to smart meters by 2020 following a European Commission directive issued by Brussels in 2006.
The ‘Linky’ communicates directly with the electricity provider, transmitted via a technology called Power-line communication (PLC), giving more accurate user information, more precise billing. It also means a technician no longer needs to come to individual homes to check their meters.
Many households across the country have refused to allow the Linky to be installed in their home. In several cases, the refusal has been allowed by a French court of law, although many more applications have been rejected.
Some have put padlocks on their meters, others live in towns whose councils have refused to work with Enedis.
Thousands of people across France have been refusing the mandatory installation of the Linky because of medical concerns over the electromagnetic waves emitted from them, citing various disorders such as headaches or sleep problems, arising after the installation. Some are also worried about how their energy information will be used, although in theory, access to meter data must be agreed on by users.
For now, the installation is free, but resistors could end up paying for this obligatory service, at a cost of €150 to €200, in the future.

As no further comments have come along, well for more information, the Linky meter will never hurt anyone, however, for years now I have been complaining about a microwave link that is apparent at our house and I have detected it an tracked it and it goes from south of Redon to the other side of Le Mans. We know that it transmits on a very high frequency about that of satellites, it can be detected with a special satellite receiver, it operates at high power from Monday am through to Saturday midday, it has mads several people ill with headaches and may even have killed somebody. The signal sprogs which is indicative the dish is damaged. Oh me, former radio radar instructor RAF, taught for Osram GEC, Electrical engineer for the USAF in UK and Europe. Has been easily located at Langon, La Gare, Mouais, La Mustais, Villepot, and Saint-Agnian-sur-Roe, where it has all been causing interference. This item is transmitting VERY high power to the extent that a woman in Mouais had a serious head ache in a certain room in the house, Monday to Friday and it went Saturday afternoon and came back on Monday morning, it also blocked satellite signals at these times . It turned on my radio transmitter and I had to drive 100m down the road to stop it. This location subsequently the house caught fire for no apparent reason. THAT makes me wonder!
We had 3 linky units fitted but the heures cruise was unreliable in turning on, so no heating and no hot water. We had 3 fitted but none turned the relay on reliably. As a result it was changed back to a sagem unit in the Linky box. We had an engineer visit and he said the line was intermittent further they now want to fit some linky’s to our solar panels supply. They can do that. However, our house over the road has a 40 year old disc rotation meter and I asked if they were going to change that and they said no. Why? OK the one over the road does not use much electricity, but it seems funny that they are happy with an old 40 year old meter.