The Lives and loves of Rudolph Ihlee and Edgar Hereford

Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s stay in Port Vendres nearly a century ago is well known but the story of his two artist friends who settled in Collioure a little earlier was only recently published HERE

This newly discovered photograph of two couples in an English churchyard features the artists Edgar Hereford and Rudolph Ihlee both of whom met their wives while painting in France.

The Lives and loves of Rudolph Ihlee and Edgar Hereford

The photo was taken around 1950 after Hereford, a dwarf, and Ihlee, with the glasses, had returned from Collioure where they lived from 1922 to 1940.
Their story, illustrated by many of their paintings, is told in James Trollope’s book Rudolph Ihlee: The Road to Collioure which is available from

Ihlee, who met his wife Isabelle while grape-picking, painted more than 200 pictures of the P-O. Hereford, whose wife Margot came from Brittany, was less productive but recently a few of his paintings have appeared on the market including this image of Marquixanes.

Marquizanes c1925 by Edgar Hereford

After the war both artists settled in England living close to each other in villages near Peterborough. Hereford died in 1953 and Ihlee in 1968


  1. Thank you for sharing. I will look into both of them..

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