….a quick glance at the latest local news with  Caroline Manson

Car accident in Canet

For reasons as yet unknown, a female pedestrian walking along Avenue Edouard-Hériot in Canet, was hit by a car – which then continued on and crashed into a house. Rescuers intervened to save the woman, using air-bags to lift the car as her leg was trapped underneath it. She was transported to hospital, and the 26 year old driver is said to be ‘slightly’ injured.

Gilets-Jaunes Acte 26

Gilets Jaunes Le Boulou

Protestors turning up for the pre-planned demonstration at the Le Boulou péage were greeted by 140 gendarmes. They decided to occupy the Fire Station roundabout instead, and things turned nasty when a group of ‘Casseurs’ turned up to join them. They were obviously prepared for a fight as they were wearing gas marks, ski goggles and scarves, and during the inevitable clash, tear gas grenades and stones were launched. 6 people were arrested.

St Hippolyte Fire

Fire engine

Fanned by the strong winds this Sunday, a fire on wasteland outside St Hippolyte quickly grew out of control, and house-holders in nearby Le Barcarès were put on the alert. After several hours, the 25 strong crew of fire-fighters managed to secure the situation.

Ship on fire near Port Vendres

Cap Bear lighthouse

Lighthouse operators at Cap Béar spotted a ship on fire and thanks to their semaphore signal, the coast-guards were alerted. The ship was a 27 meter Spanish trawler with 4 people on board. The Spanish authorities sent a vessel to transfer the crew of ‘Barranco’ to Port de la Selva but sadly one of the crew suffered a cardiac arrest.

Disturbance at Perpignan prison

A detainee with psychological problems set fire to his cell (how he managed to get hold of the necessary materials is not reported), disrupting the night service and endangering the supervisors. The prison union has already complained that prisoners with psychological disorders should not be in the regular prison, but in specialist units such as Thuir Hospital Psychiatric Center.

And finally …..

A man has been sentenced to one year in prison for carrying cocaine in his pocket. The man already had 14 similar incidents on his criminal record but the reason he was sentenced on this occasion was that he turned up in response to his police summons with 1.57g of narcotics on him. The judge was quoted as saying ‘On the eve of my retirement I can still be surprised’.


Caroline Manson is an independent Property Consultant – for advice on buying, selling, renting or renovating, don’t hesitate to contact her at

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