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AT A GLANCE March 2022

1st March 2022 - 31st March 2022

Around the region March 2022

Throughout the yearFairs and festivals around the region, little and large, celebrating every imaginable ‘produit de terroir’.
Wednesday 2nd, 10.45am
Méga Castillet, Perpignan
The Batman. Watch the brand new, darker, crazier Batman in English at the Méga Castillet. Catch it at the Castillet cinema, also in English, at various times from Thursday 3rd.
Thursday 3rd, 9am – 12pm
Saint Cyprien
Forum pour l’emploi saisonnier. Looking for seasonal work? Grab your CV and head to this annual forum, where local businesses head to recrute for the summer. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Friday 4th, 7pm
Centre culturel, Cabestany
Festival en kit. Celebrating the young talent of the Pyrénées-Orientales, this free music festival is produced by young people, for young people. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 5th
Amélie les Bains
Carnaval d’Amélie les Bains.
Saturday 5th
Musée d’art moderne, Céret
Museum reopening.
Saturday 5th
Saturday 5th
Ille sur Têt
L’Art des jardins.
Sunday 6th
Across the region
Fête des grandmères. Nanny’s special day, show her how much you care!
Sunday 6th
Sunday 6th
Sunday 6th
Sunday 6th, 4pm
Méga Castillet, Perpignan
Swan Lake, Bolchoï 2020. Retransmission at the Méga Castillet of the 2020 performance.
Sunday 6th, 5pm
Salle Novelty, Banyuls sur Mer
Duo presque classique concert.
Tuesday 8th
Across the region
International Women’s Day.
Thursday 10th, 8pm
Palais des Congrès, Perpignan
Soy de Cuba. Musical theatre recounting the moving tale of a dancer and a boxer, who fall in love in Havana. 53€. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Thursday 10th – Saturday 12th
Théâtre de l’Etang, Saint Estève
Les Toiles. Free film festival celebrating novels that made the big screen. Find out more.
Friday 11th, 7pm
Parc des Tilleuls, Pia
Fête de la bière. Everyone’s favourite tipple, showcased in all its finery. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Friday 11th – Saturday 12th
Les Angles
Garosnow. Annual msuic festival in the heart of the ski station. Website.
Saturday 12th
Bourse aux jouets. Grab a bargain on kids’ stuff at this vide-grenier. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 12th
Saint Génis des Fontaines
Saturday 12th
Saturday 12th, 2pm
Place de la République, Perpignan
Marche pour le climat. Join the march to call for stronger environmental protection and greater social justice. Facebook.
Saturday 12th, from 3pm
Carnaval, part 2.
Saturday 12th, 6pm
Salle des fêtes, Elne
Concert pique-nique Jazzèbre.
Saturday 12th – Sunday 13th
Vide Méca. If your nutty about nuts and bonkers for bolts, head to this mechanics’ vide grenier. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 13th
Amélie les Bains
Puces des couturières. Sewing and dress making vide grenier. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 13th
30th Ronde de Reynès. 30th anniversary of this running event, with ‘la ronde’ circuit of 14.2km and ‘la cingalantane’ of 5.5km. Website.
Sunday 13th
Saint Estève
Sunday 13th
Sunday 13th, 1.30pm
Azureva, Saint Cyprien
Lions’ Club Rifle. Charity fund raising raffle. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 13th, 8pm
Complexe des Echards, Le Boulou
Carnaval des enfants.
Thursday 13th – Friday 14th
Les Angles
Fête de la neige. Open days for kids to discover the magic of the mountains. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Friday 18th
Château Nadal Hainaut, Le Soler
Vins de Femmes.
Friday 18th, 6pm – 8pm
Sainte Marie la Mer
Full Moon Workshop with Jessica Hayes.
Friday 18th, 7pm
Cinéma Castillet, Perpignan
Jazzèbre au cinéma “La symphonie des arbres”.
Friday 18th, 8.30pm
Théâtre de l’Etang, Saint Estève
Roch Voisine accoustic concert.
Saturday 19th, from 2.30pm
Saturday 19th, from 2.30pm
Cinéma le Vauban, Port Vendres
Piano recital.
Saturday 19th, 6.30pm
Conservatoire de Perpignan
Jazz flamenco. Combining jazz and Flamenco, the Marseillais guitarist, Louis Winsberg, works with the music and dance students to produce this stunning performance. Free entry. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 20th
Prieuré de Serrabona, Boule d’Amont
Trail du Prieuré de Serrabone. Trail running event in the beautiful grounds of the historic priory. 3 circuits from 6km to 31km! Facebook.
Sunday 20th, 5pm
Marie, Brouilla
Le Printemps des poètes.
Tuesday 22nd – Wednesday 23rd
La Volta cycling race.
Saturday 26th, 8pm
Eglise, Le Boulou
OSAR Brass. The Brass section of the Orchestre symphonique d’Alenya Roussillon performs a repertoire of Bach. Free entry. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 26th, 8.30pm
Musée Music, Céret
Concert des Aoedees. Concert insired by lyrical poets of ancient times. 10€. Find out more here.
Saturday 26th, 8.30pm
Casa Musicale, Perpignan
Jazzèbre Concert Simone.
Saturday 26th, 8.30pm
Salle Salanque, St Laurent de la Salanque
Duo Bouclier.
Sunday 27th
Sunday 27th
Banyuls sur Mer
Sunday 27th
Vide grenier. Bag a bargain. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 27th
6th annual agriculture and artisanal fair. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 27th
Le Soler
Vide grenier du Lion’s Club. Bag a bargain. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 27th
Salses le Château
Vide grenier. Bag a bargain. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 27th, 10am – 1pm
Site de Paulilles, Port Vendres
Troc de plantes. Plant and seed exchange with conferences, presentations, animations and communal picnic. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 27th, 4pm
Eglise St André, Rivesaltes
Musique sacrée de l’Agly. Local conductor-extraordinaire, Daniel Tosi, leads the Ensemble à cordes (string) Perpignan Catalogne and the Ensemble polyphonique de Perpignan in a performance of Vivaldi classics. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 27th, 5pm
Espcae Latrobe, Ortaffa
Duo Bouclier.
Wednesday 30th, 6.30pm
Collection Desnoyer, Saint Cyprien
Concert de Printemps. Springtime concert in the Saint Cyprien art gallery. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.


*Photo credit: Tourisme Conflent Canigou



1st March 2022
31st March 2022