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AT A GLANCE September 2022

1st September 2022 - 30th September 2022

Around the region September 2022

Throughout the yearFairs and festivals around the region, little and large, celebrating every imaginable ‘produit de terroir’.
Throughout the yearCatch a bargain or get rid of your junk at one of the many vide-greniers across the region.
Throughout the yearMaking Your Novel a Reality. one-on-one mentoring and training in a form tailored to your requirements, from simple ‘sounding-board’ guidance through to structured practical writing techniques, or something in between that meets your particular circumstance.
Throughout SeptemberForum des associations. 
Tuesday 30th August – Saturday 3rd
Piano à Collioure.
Saturday 27th August – Sunday 11th
VISA pour l’Image.
Thursday 1st, 6.30pm
Mas Rieres, Toulouges
Canticel Concert.
Thursday 1st – Saturday 3rd
Parc Palauda, Thuir
Festival Pellicu-Live. Cinema, music and gastronomie festival. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Friday 2nd, 6.30pm
Place Général de Gualle, Rivesaltes
Marché des créateurs. Artisan night market. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Friday 2nd, 8.30pm
Banyuls sur Mer
Piano à Collioure.
Friday 2nd, 9pm
Les vendredis du jazz. Free outdoor jazz concerts on the colline Pams. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Friday 2nd – Sunday 4th
Eglise de la rectorie, Banyuls sur Mer
Festival lyrique des pays catalans. Series of 3 live classical concerts. 10€ for 1 concert, 25€ for 3.  Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 3rd, 4pm
Piano à Collioure.
Saturday 3rd – Sunday 4th
Parc des Expositions, Perpignan
Perpignan Tattoo Convention. The best national and international tattoo artists assemble for this annual tattoo convention. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 3rd – Sunday 4th
Port Vendres
Atelier des barques. Assembly of traditional Catalan boats. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 4th, 4.30pm
Eglise, Saint André
Canticel Concert.
Monday 5th
Atelier Bruno Tosi, Collioure
Stained glass workshop. Join P-O Life advertiser, Bruno Tosi, for a day’s stained glass workshop.
Thursday 8th
Maureillas las Illas
CSF Walk for Life.
Friday 9th, 7pm
Place des Souvenirs d’Enfance, Torreilles
Apéro Jazz. Free evening of live jazz. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 10th
Salle Crescendo, Mas Guérido, Cabestany
Forum bien-être. Well being salon with kinesiology, ayurveda, reike, naturopaths and more. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 10th, 10am – 6pm
Jardin des Plantes, Saint Cyprien
Salon du livre. Book salon with authors’ signings and workshops. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 10th, from 12pm
Juhègues, Torreilles
Pyrenean Warriors. Heavy metal festival. Online ticket office.
Saturday 10th, 4pm
Cathédrale, Perpignan
Canticel Concert.
Saturday 10th – Sunday 11th
Parc des Expos, Perpignan
Musée éphémère : dinosaures. Discover the incredible prehistoric world of the dinosaurs with a 2 day exhibition in Perpignan. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 11th
Run’In Perpignan. Various circuits for everyone from competitve athletes to Sunday morning amateurs. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 11th
Fête de l’escalade. Climbing festival at Plaine St Martin. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 11th
Salses le Château
Les Médiévales. Go back in time with a day of medieval fun. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Wednesday 14th – Sunday 25th
Place Gutiard, Céret
Fête foraine. Fairground rides in Céret. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Friday 16th – Sunday 18th
Saint Cyprien
Festa Major. Annual traditional weekend celebration. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Friday 16th, 7pm
Place des Souvenirs d’Enfance, Torreilles
Apéro Jazz. Free evening of live jazz. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 17th
Saint Jean Pla de Corts
Bearman XTRI.
Saturday 17th – Sunday 18th
Across the region
Journées européennes du patrimoine.
Saturday 17th – Sunday 18th
Tropique du Papillon, Elne
Festival du Tropique.
Sunday 18th
La ronde céretane.
Sunday 18th
Les Capellans, Saint Cyprien
Marché Proj’Aid 66.
Sunday 18th
AMUVALL – Festival Automne Musique en Vallespir.
Monday 19th
Atelier Bruno Tosi, Collioure
Stained glass workshop. Join P-O Life advertiser, Bruno Tosi, for a day’s stained glass workshop.
Friday 23rd
AMUVALL – Festival Automne Musique en Vallespir.
Friday 23rd – Sunday 25th
Saint Cyprien
Late Summer Days.
Friday 23rd – Monday 16th October
Across the region
Festival Jazzèbre.
Saturday 24th, 10am – 4pm
Jardin Denat, Collioure
Permaculture garden open day.
Saturday 24th – Sunday 25th
Eglise des Dominicains, Perpignan
Festival International del Disc & de la Bande Dessinée (FID BD).
Sunday 25th, 9.30am
Maison du Temps Libre, Eus
Charity event: les Virades d’Espoir.
Friday 30th, 9pm
Les Collections de Saint Cyprien
Duo Gisèle Vacher-Xerri / Matthieu Millischer. Free live music performance, an eclectic repertoire of traditional Hebrew songs, Afro-American gospel and Spanish classics. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.


*Photo credit: Tourisme Conflent Canigou