Les Déferlantes ….with Laurianne Rawcliffe

Déferlantes closing night

(Scroll down for Déferlantes opening night)

Well, that’s a wrap! As promised, here are my final notes on this year’s festival.

I actually managed to park really close to the main entrance (exit 12) this time, as there is a free rein on parking wherever you can (as the helpful police officer said, “If we had to start giving out fines, we’d never see the end of it!”).

This last night was even busier, yet still not over-crowded and with some open areas, including the chill out zones. I even got hold of a deck chair in the sand to rest my feet for a while and watched the glorious pink sunset. Once again, the crowd was friendly and of a mixed age range. Even the staff behind all the bars and food trucks were dancing away with smiles on their faces!

deferlantes 2022

I treated myself to a 25cl Jack Daniels and coke for 11 euros, which included a reusable plastic cup (9 euros for a refill.) I also had a tasty Charal cheeseburger and chips for 10 euros. I found out that you can top up your QR coded payment bracelet with an exact amount of money, meaning that if you know what you want to get, there is no need to go through the process to claim back your left over balance.


The toilet queues were smaller despite the crowd, the cubicles still clean and supplied in paper. They have a team of volunteers walking around picking up rubbish and many security guards and first aid paramedics. There is a raised platform for those with disabilities and/or injuries. I have to say, that from an organisational point of view, they really were on it.

Now for the music:

The lineup on the s*x stage is purely electronic / DJs. They had a variety of styles, including BRESH, a collective of young DJs who collaborate with a variety of guest artists and played a fantastic range of very recognisable songs to electronic beats. I defy anyone to resist even tapping a foot to their set!

The main stage, as mentioned in my last piece, is a double stage: Sea and Sun, with a varied lineup. I am very annoyed that I was not able to get there in time to see Julian Marley, son of the one and only Bob Marley. Hopefully he’ll be back.

Being more of a rocker than an electronic fan generally speaking, I was looking forward to see Placebo, whom I hadn’t seen live since my teenage goth years (shush).  They were on great form and played material from all their discography -the earlier stuff is still my favourite. When talking to the crowd, Brian Molko, lead singer, shouted out in his eloquent French: “Nous sommes un groupe Européen!”. A welcome reminder to all, that art is above nationalities and political cleavages, that it is a means to unite and connect through shared moments of joy.

I was also looking forward to seeing The Prodigy, who were closing the festival. There was an hour of an artist that I don’t particularly like before they were on, but I ended up in conversation with a friendly stranger who had lost his friends, which helped pass the time (We even talked politics! How French!).  The Prodigy’s reputation for putting on live shows precedes them, and they did not disappoint! Great stage presence, great props, lasers, smoke and fantastic tunes that have become classics. What a way to end the night. Can’t wait for next year!!!


Déferlantes Opening Night….

Opening night! Words that ignite excitement, anticipation and a sense of curiosity. Will it be busy? Will the line- up be any good? Will the organisation hold up?

Well, it was brilliant. The vibe was fun, the organisation was great and the bands were excellent! There were some (most…) artists I had never heard of, but I am clearly in the minority. Crowds of mixed ages were singing along to the lyrics, dancing and smiling away. It was very busy (the car parks cater for 12 000 and were pretty much full when I arrived at 19h30). But the grounds are spacious, so there are areas that are not crowded at all and there are a few areas to chill: a sandy area at the front of the festival and access to the beach behind the grounded Lydia, the 1930s steam cruise liner that gives its name to the beach itself.


Déferlantes Opening Night 2024
Déferlantes Opening Night 2024


I would recommend giving yourself plenty of time to get there, as finding a space to park took me a good 45 min. But then I arrived at the busiest time… There is a car park for disabled badge holders, though it is still a good 10-minute walk to the entrance. There are also ‘navettes’ from the station and a few other locations. They looked packed but very frequent and I would definitely consider taking one of them if I didn’t live so close to Le Barcarès. They are also arranging their own car sharing platform. It’s all very cleverly put together. All the info is on their WEBSITE

Once inside, you can’t use money. You need to use a QR coded bracelet that you can top up at their ‘banks’. This can also be done online, which will save you queuing time. Any money not spent can be refunded at the end of the festival (set yourself a reminder). You can get chips for a couple of euros, burgers for 10 and there is a decent variety of food options in the huge dedicated area.

Quick tip about toilets – ladies I’m talking to you – the ones closest to the entrance were quick enough as you can push through the crowd to get to the row at the back. Each row of portacabins (mine was very clean and did not smell – update on the weekend!) has its own mini queue that is much faster. (You won’t find THESE but keep an eye out at other musical venues)

The set up changed slightly this year, with a double main stage. This allowed the techies to do the change-over on one side, while another band was playing on the other side, but I have to say that I find it distracts a little from the musicians that are actually performing. Otherwise, the set up and bands were fantastic. The performers were engaged, the crowd was responsive without being rowdy, there were even a few kids there with protective headphones on. The VIP area is on the Lydia boat and the Privilege area is along a raised section above the different branded bars. There are stalls to play, drink, eat, learn, be painted in glitter and even to get a tattoo…

All in all, it’s a great festival, that ticks many boxes. By leaving a little before the main band finished their set (don’t judge me) I was able to exit before the crowd and avoid being stuck in any traffic – which I did once before and it was terrible as there is only one way out…

The Déferlantes have definitely found their feet in terms of organisation and it is understandable that the festival has gained so much in popularity, especially as the P-O don’t have many other options for attending live pop rock performances of contemporary music. I’ll be back again for closing night and let you know more. Rock on!

The site

After over 10 years at Château Valmy in Argelès sur Mer, and a year at Château d’Aubiry, in Céret, the festival’s current venue, Le Lydia, is probably best known for the region’s biggest Christmas market.

But because the site complies with safety standards and the technical requirements of the artists, has large parking areas, a shady campsite nearby, sufficient accommodation facilities, and a venue that is large enough and suited to welcoming the public, it’s also the perfect spot for a summer festival too!

We think last year’s party people would agree…

Line up

déferlantes 2024 line up

More details here.



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