A look at the rich culture and numerous traditions of Catalonia

Catalan culture and traditions date back centuries. If you’ve spent any length of time in the Pyrénées-Orientales you will know that the Catalans – both those south of the border in Spain and those north of the border in France – have a strong cultural identity and a fierce desire to preserve it.

The Pyrénées-Orientales: Pays Catalan

The Pyrénées-Orientales is officially Northern Catalonia and often referred to as Pays Catalan. Many locals see themselves as Catalan first and French second and, while there is not the same fight for independence in France that is being waged on the Spanish side, Catalans on both sides of the border share the same unique language, cuisine and spirit.

Catalan flag and CastilletYou will see the distinctive red and gold stripes of the Catalan flag – called la senyera – everywhere and road signs in both French and Catalan. Many regional celebrations involve Catalan traditions and you will doubtless have watched sardanas being danced, seen nativity scenes with a uniquely Catalan scatalogical addition (!) and tasted delicious Catalan dishes such as boles de picolat. But how much do you REALLY know about Catalan culture and traditions?

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