Roll up your sleeves for the Réserve naturelle de Py

Canigó, the sacred Catalan mountain, sits majestically on the horizon of Catalonia. For centuries, she has born witness to bloody battles between men, the rise and fall of kingdoms and shifting political alliances.

Offering unrivalled views over the Pyrénées, both to the north and the south, the mountain has always been held in high esteem by climbers and mountaineers, whether professional, elite or simple enthusiasts.

As every year, in order to contribute to the protection and preservation of the emblematic mountain, the joint syndicate, Canigó Grand Site is setting up a participatory project, open to all.

On Saturday 18th September, a chantier participatif will be held in the magnificent Réserve naturelle de Py, between the Canigó and the Costabona massifs.

September 18 – 8:30 am – Col de Mantet : Clearing in the Py Reserve

Help the pastoral group to prune low branches, cut rhododendrons and generally give a little TLC to the environment. Necessary tools will be made available. Bring your mask, hydro-alcoholic gel provided.

Après l’effort, le reconfort (after the effort, the rewards!) – enjoy a well deserved grillade, offered by the group.

Reserve naturelle py
© OTConflentCanigo

If you fancy getting involved, sign up here
(pre-registration necessary for security reasons)

For more info about the group

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