Covid-19 Symptoms : An Online Test

Coronavirus French Vocab: keep up with the media reports

As the number of cases increase, the government has opened regional crisis centres to relieve the pressure on local hospitals and emergency services. Another initiative they have launched is an online test, designed to inform and advise the public before they contact the very busy medical services.

Designed by the Institut Pasteur and les Hôpitaux de Paris (APHP), the online tool is a series of 23 questions on the state of your health: temperature, symptoms, other medical conditions…

It is important to remember that although this is an extremely useful tool, the automatically generated response at the end DOES NOT constitute a medical opinion. If in doubt, or if your symptoms change, contact your GP. In the case of serious symptoms, call the emergency services (15).

The survey is obviously in French so below we provide a translation, in case you need it.

Please note, depending on your answers, you may not be asked to answer all questions so do not be surprised or worried if your questionnaire does not exactly follow the description below.

Take the test

Step 1 :

covid 19 test step 1Do you think you have been exposed to Coronavirus Covid-19 and are showing symptoms?
Do I keep an eye on the situation? Do I organise a remote consultation with my GP? Do I call 15?
Take the test to make the most informed choice based on your symptoms.

To check if a certain medication could potentially worsen your symptoms, use the second button.

Step 2 :

covid 19 test step 2

The application is provided free of charge and is solely for information purposes to help facilitate the care of people by emergency services during the COVID-19 Coronavirus epidemic. The completeness, accuracy, timeliness of the information and content made available in this application, or its suitability for particular purposes, is not guaranteed.

The user acknowledges that the application, including the test and other information it contains, does not in any way constitute an opinion, recommendation, examination, diagnosis, prescription, or any other act of a medical nature, in particular established or carried out by a doctor or pharmacist. The use of the application and its contents in no way replaces the necessary advice given by your doctor or pharmacist or any other competent health professional in each individual case. Any examination or decision by the user must be carried out or taken autonomously on the basis of the relevant scientific and clinical information, the official package leaflet of the product concerned where applicable and, in case of doubt, in consultation with a competent doctor.

The information made available as part of the application shall serve only as first level information. The absence of a warning about a risk does not mean that it does not exist.

Question 1

Have you had, or do you think you have had a fever in the last 48 hours (shivering, sweating)?

Warning : anti inflammatories (ibuprofen, cortisone…) could be an aggravating factor. In case of fever, take paracetamol. This warning covers capsules and tablets, not inhalers. If you are already following treatment, do not stop. Take advice from your doctor or pharmacist.

covid 19 test Q1

Question 2

What has been your highest recorded temperature over the past 48 hours

covid 19 test Q2

Question 3

Over the last few days, have you had a cough, or been coughing more than usual?

Question 4

Over the last few days have you noticed a considerable decrease or loss of taste/smell?

Question 5

Over the last few days, have you had a sore throat and/or muscular pains and/or unusual stiffness?

Question 6

Over the past 24 hours, have you suffered with diarrhoea? At least 3 loose stools.

Question 7

Over the last few days have you been unusually tired?

Question 8

Is your tiredness forcing you to rest more than half of the day?

Question 9

Have you been unable to eat or drink FOR MORE THAN 24 HOURS?

Question 10

Over the last 24 hours, have you noticed UNUSUAL breathlessness when you speak or make a small effort?

Question 11

What is your age? We ask this in order to calculate a specific risk.

covid 19 test q11

Question 12

What is your height? In order to calculate your body mass index which is an influencing factor in the risk of complications.

COVID 19 Q12

Question 13

What is your weight? In order to calculate your body mass index which is an influencing factor in the risk of complications.


Question 14

Do you have uncontrolled arterial hypertension? Or do you have heart or vascular disease? Or are you taking any cardiac medication?


Question 15

Are you diabetic?

Question 16

Do you have or have you had cancer over the past three years?

Question 17

Do you have a respiratory illness? Or are you followed by a pulmonologist?

Question 18

Do you have chronic kidney failure undergoing dialysis?

Question 19

Do you have chronic liver disease?

Question 20

Are you pregnant?


Question 21

Do you have a disease known to lower your immune system?

covid 19 test q21

Question 22

Are you taking any immunosuppressive medication? This is a treatment that lowers your defences against infection. Some examples are: corticosteroids, methotrexate, cyclosporine, tacrolimus, azathioprine, cyclophosphamide (non-exhaustive list).

covid 19 test q22

Question 23

What is your postcode? This information allows us to carry out an epidemiological follow-up.



The results page that you see will differ depending on the answers you have provided.

Below is the screen that you will see if the tool advises you to seek urgent medical attention by calling the emergency services (15).

This is an automated response and does not constitute an official medial opinion. If in doubt, contact your doctor or pharmacist.



Call 15
The emergency services are equipped with the latest procedures in place in your area. You will be offered care adapted to your region and your state of health.

Depending on your department and your state of health, the SAMU will be able to direct you to a general practitioner.

Stay at Home
Limit contact with other people. The virus can be spread by carriers who do not show symptoms.

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