Justif’Adresse – the easy way to prove where you live
If you have ever applied for official French documentation online, then you will know that in almost all instances, you are required to provide proof of address with a recent utility bill or another of the accepted documents.
Well, now you have another possibility: the Justif’Adresse system. By signing up to this government approved scheme, the relevant administration will be able to automatically verify your address without you having to go through the hassle of finding, photographing, scanning etc. the necessary documents.
As part of the Action publique 2022 reforms, Justif’Adresse seeks to simplify the application process, improving the efficiency of public services whilst protecting your identity and reducing the chance of fraud.
After an initial trial period conducted in 4 départements, this simplification measure has now been extended to the whole of mainland France.
How it works
When you request a document via the ANTS website, you will be asked to enter your civil status and address.
To do this, you select your chosen service provider from a drop-down menu (EDF, ENGIE, Gaz Tarif Réglementé or Total Direct Energie).
After the comparative analysis of the address you have entered into the online form with the known address of the selected service provider (this takes less than 10 seconds), you will be informed whether or not your address has been validated.
If there is a match between the two addresses, Justif’Adresse validates yuor request. You do not need to scan a proof of address to attach it to the online form or to produce it when you visit the mairie if the application concerns a national identity card or passport.
If the address could not be validated automatically, you have two more attempts by selecting another service provider from the list.
If the verification is unsuccessful after 3 attempts, you will be informed by a message and exit the device. You will then either have to scan a proof of address and continue the teleprocedure as normal or produce this proof at the mairie.
Small print
To use the Justif’Adresse system, you must declare that you have read & accept the general terms and conditions of use (CGU), and authorise the reciprocal exchange of some personal data between the administration and the service provider, in compliance with the general regulations for the protection of personal data (RGPD).