New mandatory declaration for property owners in 2023
Deadline for declaration now extended until the end of July.
Do you own property here in France? If so, you need to complete a new declaration to the tax office by 30th June 2023.
Because the taxe d’habitation is being scrapped for main residences from 2023, the French government needs to know precisely who is living where to establish the correct tax brackets for second homes and rental properties.
That means all property owners in France are required to make an additional declaration to the tax authorities.
Sign in to your online tax portal of the website and then select the ‘Biens immobiliers’ tab.
All of your owned properties should appear on the screen and you click the button to declare occupancy for each one.
This is a one-off declaration, not every year like income tax, so once your details are up to date, you don’t need to do anything else unless your status changes.
More info
The French government have kindly provided instructions and a video tutorial in English, that you can access here.