As the details of winter season flights available have not changed significantly from those detailed in the Autumn edition of PO Life, I thought instead I would examine the rather sparse transport possibilities to and from our local airports. Please bear in mind that details, particularly public transport prices, vary wildly, depending on day of the week, how far in advance you book and route chosen, so please contact the various websites for up to date details.

Ever wondered why your rolex was only 25 euros, and your Nike trainers a mere 30 euros over the border?
Well, if you’ve noticed quite a few shops closed down over the past few months in Le Perthus/La Jonquera, around 50 in all, it’s because they were ‘fermées pour contrefaçons’ – closed for selling counterfeit goods, and are only just being allowed to reopen now.

Growing up between the game reserves in South Africa and the wilderness of the Australian outback, Ian Pendry discovered a love for nature early on in life. At university in Sheffield he met Angela, an international mountain bike racer and skilled ski mountaineer. The rest, as they say, is history.

Carole Delga has announced the creation of a ‘marque ombrelle’ to be known as ‘Pays Catalan’ – a term that has already been used for many years by many of the tourisme agencies of the region when referring to the Pyrénées-Orientales.