Pass Sanitaire: who, what, where, when, how?
Over the past few days there have been a number of changes to the pass sanitaire programme, and more are due to come in to force soon.
Whether you’re coming, going or staying in the P-O, we’ve summarised the latest key government info on the infamous pass sanitaire.
Please bear in mind that this info is ever-changing so it is worth checking the government site out regularly.
Everyone 12 years or older. Because the vaccine is not yet authorised for under 12s, a negative test will be sufficient.
Three elements may be included in the pass:
- Proof of a negative RT-PCR or antigenic test. Since the 29th November, the validity period has been reduced : tests must be taken within 24 hours for access to spectator events and within 48 hours for international travel (self-administered tests are not accepted for international arrivals).
- Covid-19 recovery certificate : a positive test attesting to the recovery of Covid, between 11 days and 6 months old.
- Certificate of vaccination (more details below).
In terms of data protection, only certified members of staff will be able to request access to your pass. They will not see specific details, they will only see green (accepted for travel/entry) or red (refused for travel/entry). Nevertheless, you should always keep your pass secure and private.
The pass sanitaire is required for international travel (according to the government website, this includes driving over the border to Spain), bars, restaurants, sporting events and venues, libraries, museums, hospitals, retirement homes, long distance trains, coaches and domestic flights.
Since the 4th December, the pass sanitaire is also required to access ski lifts and will remain in place so long as the incidence rate is over 200 new cases per 100 000 inhabitants.
People aged 65 and over (Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazenica)
If vaccinated before the 17th May, you must have had your booster by 15th December.
If vaccinated from 18th May, you must receive your booster between:
- 5 months after the 2nd dose
- 8 weeks from that eligibility date
Anyone vaccinated with Janssen
If vaccinated before the 17th October, you must have had your booster by 15th December.
If vaccinated from 18th October, you must receive your booster between:
- 1 month after your injection
- 4 weeks from that eligibility date
People aged 18 – 64 (Pfizer – Moderna – Astrazenica)
If vaccinated before the 17th June, you must have had your booster by 15th January.
If vaccinated from 18th June, you must receive your booster between:
- 5 months after the 2nd dose
- 8 weeks from that eligibility date
The certificate is available in digital format via the TousAntiCovid app. Within the app, you can also store passes for children or other family members.
After the booster shot, you will receive a NEW QR code. Scan this into the ‘Carnet’ section of the app as you did with the previous one. You can also use the paper version as before.
For people who receive their booster dose on time, the new code will be valid from 7 days after the injection.
Your previous proof of vaccination will remain active for the same 7 days so that you have a valid pass during the period of activation.
For those who do not receive the booster within the required timeframe, your QR code will be automatically deactivated and the pass will no longer be valid.
The RT-PCR or antigenic test certificate indicating the result of the test is available in paper or digital (PDF) form from the email or SMS you receive after a test has been carried out. It includes a QR code to be scanned or a link to be clicked on to import the test result into TousAntiCovid.
Medical professionals can print your attestations on request.
Additional information on international travel
Arrivals to France
From Saturday 4th December: those travelling from outside of the EU (including UK) to France must show proof of a negative COVID-19 test result (PCR or antigen) taken 24 hours before departure. This applies to all travellers whether fully vaccinated or not.
Please note, to enter France from a non-EU country (including the UK), self-administered tests are NOT ACCEPTED.
Arrivals to UK
From Tuesday 7th December, all people aged 12 years and over must take a PCR or LFD COVID-19 test 48 hours before they travel to England from abroad. This will apply whether you qualify as fully vaccinated or not.
Failure to present your pass when required could result in a fine of €135. Fraudulent use of a pass is punishable by a fine of €135, increasing to €3,750 and 6 months imprisonment if this happens more than 3 times in 30 days).
Traders and professionals who fail to check the pass are liable to a €1,000 fine, a formal notice and possible temporary closure of the establishment, and in the event of a repeat offence to a one-year prison sentence and a €9,000 fine.
I happened to be in the USA at the beginning of the year in the state that decided to vaccinate everybody (at the right age) with only checking the birthdate. The reason was – the virus does not check citizenship nor visa nor where one is domicilled – you are here between us and this means we will protect you to protect ourselves. Simple and human.
Now I have the CDC certificate. EU stated that certificates from other countries should be accepted, but left it to each country. The question still is – how do people who were lucky enough to vaccinate outside EU or France will get the French certificate. My Ameli account tells me that I am not vaccinated yet and does not have a place to ask the question. I am old enough to re-vaccinate – it will give me more antibodies. But I would hate to take somebody elses vaccine
Updates on travel re the vaccine/the virus very appreciated. As a reader in England, could you also give info from the point of view of a UK visitor – ie. how to get certificates in the UK; travel in and out of the UK; which countries are green, amber, red, etc.
Hi Sally
There are some really useful readers’ stories on travelling back to the UK on our site:
In terms of the traffic light system, things can change very quickly so we suggest you use the official government portals for this kind of information.