Summer’s Sizzling in the Vallespir
Votre mission, si toutefois vous l’acceptez…
After confinement and restrictions over the past year, where better to let your hair down outdoors (with care) than the Vallespir?
This year we have the added bonus of the Tour de France – and some exciting competitions with clues, special missions and great prizes.
Put together balader (to stroll) and ludique (fun) and what do you get? The very first digital bike trail in the footsteps of the ancestors of Galipan, the Vallespir mascot.
Explore the history of Céret, solve clues, accept missions…..Most definitely for all the family. Uh oh! Forgotten your bike, accidentally or on purpose? No excuses! You can hire bikes from the Office de Tourisme. Just ask!
Start : Céret Tourist Office Finish : Lake at Saint Jean Pla de Corts
Start : Office de Tourisme Intercommuncal de Vallespir, Céret Finish : Lacs de Saint Jean Pla de Corts |
How it works
- Download the Baludik app onto your smartphone. Available for Apple and Android devices.
- Scan the QR code below to access the Vallespir trail
- Enjoy the ride!
Find out more here.
Last year, players had to find a different object each week, hidden in one of the 10 communes of Vallespir. A riddle was published every Friday, Saturday and Sunday on social media to point you in the right direction.
This year, the concept has changed! The clues will be in photo form, published Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 10am on the Facebook page. As the days go by, the photos will give an increasingly clear view of the site.
To be the lucky winner, you have to take a photo of yourself in front of the site in question and be the first to post the photo as a comment on the publication pinned to the game.
The game will take place every week in a different Vallespir town from 1st July to 4th September.
As well as getting out and about, there is an amazing range of prizes up for grabs, including cameras, hampers and vouchers for local businesses.
Find out more here.
Guided visits
Whether you’re a certified Céretan or a know-nothing newbie, the guided tours in English are a great way to (re)discover the magic of the town.
Visits take place in strict compliance with health regulations.
Friday 30th July at 11am
Friday 27th August at 11am
Adult 5€ / Reduced 3€ / FREE – 12 ans
For more information on any of these events or to book your place, contact the Office de Tourisme
Everybody loves a market… (virus permitting) CÉRET: Sat am LE BOULOU: Thurs & Sun am LE PERTHUS: Thurs am (Food market) MAUREILLAS-LAS ILLAS: Thurs am SAINT-JEAN-PLA-DE-CORTS: Tues am |
The Vallespir Tourist Office team is here for you…
We’re happy to help and answer any questions to make your visit to the Vallespir even better.
Tel: 04 68 87 00 53
Address: 5 rue Saint Ferréol 66400 Céret
For more info
Follow them on Facebook
Covid19 DON’T WORRY… BE HAPPY Your visit is important to us – so is your safety. All activities, restaurants, galleries, museums, shops and tradespeople will look after you with the strictest respect for the sanitary measures put in place against the spread of the corona virus. |
Fancy watching a few videos before your visit to remind you why everyone loves the Vallespir? Check out our OTI Vallespir Youtube channel.