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AT A GLANCE August 2019

1st August 2019 - 31st August 2019


Around the region August 2019

Throughout August
Argelès sur Mer
Argelès Photo Nature.
Throughout August
Across the region
Throughout August
Musée de Tautavel
School holiday activities.
Every Monday 8.45pm
Place de la Martinique, Le Barcarès
Lundis de Jazz. Enjoy free live jazz every Monday as part of the Port Barcarès Jazz Festival. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Every Tuesday 8.30pm
Place de la République, Thuir
Initiation à la Sardane. Learn the basics or show off your skills with weekly lessons for the Sardane. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Every Wednesday 9.30pm
Espace Méditerranée, Canet en Roussillon
Soirées tributes.
Every Thursday afternoon/evening
Amélie les Bains
Les Jeudis d’Amélie. Free street music and entertainment. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Every Thursday from 6pm
Jeudis de Perpignan.
Every Friday 7.30pm
Espace Méditerranée, Canet en Roussillon
Escales Musicales.
Every Friday 9.30pm
Port, Collioure
Les Vendredis Jazz. Live jazz every Friday at the beautiful port of Collioure. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Every Sunday 6pm – 8pm
Jardin des plantes, Saint Cyprien
Jardin en scène. Enjoy the shady peace and tranquility of the Saint Cyprien gardens with a free weekly live concert. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Until Tuesday 13th
Abbaye St Michel de Cuxa, Prades
Festival Pablo Casals.
Thursday 1st from 9am
Port de Pêche, Le Barcarès
Barques Catalanes. Sail aboard the Flor de Sorral and El Barcarès, traditional Catalan boats, and discover the magic and legends of these heritage jewels. Over 15s- must know how to swim. Call the Office de Tourisme for info & reservations.
Thursay 1st 9pm
Place du 18 Juin, Collioure
Chorale Campanar. Enjoy a free choral performance from Chorale Campanar with a free glass of Cremat thrown in too. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Thursday 1st – Sunday 4th
Place de la Gare, Ille sur Têt
Fêtes de Saint Etienne. 4 days of fun organised by local animations association, Fest’Ille. Raffle at 8.30pm on Thursday. 80s concert at 9pm on Friday. DJ and live music followed by fireworks from 7pm on Saturday. Sardanes at 3pm on Sunday. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Friday 2nd from 5.30pm
Place Paul Reig, Banyuls sur Mer
Festi’Rock. Free rock concerts from local bands. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Friday 2nd from 6pm
Amélie les Bains
Carnaval d’été. Kick start the festivities with a musical apéritif at the château (route d’Arles sur tech), then watch the parade through the streets, finishing with a grand bal back at the château. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Friday 2nd 9.30pm
Place de la République, Le Barcarès
Grand Orchestre. Free show. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Friday 2nd & Saturday 3rd
Laroque des Albères
Larokéenne des Albères.
Friday 2nd – Sunday 4th
Laroque des Albères
Laroqu’en Bulles.
Saturday 3rd
Esplanade Charles Trenet, Argelès sur Mer
Girls Run Summer Tour. If any of the ladies are feeling energetic, this free, fun running session could be the perfect way to meet new friends and keep fit. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info. (Sorry guys, you’ll have to organise your own session- don’t hesitate to let us know and we’ll be sure to publish it or you!)
Saturday 3rd 10am – 6pm
Le Boulou
Journée des Mômes. A day of entertainment and activities for the little ones. Circus workshops, face painting, shows… Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 3rd from 6pm
Fête du quartier du Pont. Musical apéritif from 6pm followed by a terroir meal and live music from the Els Fanfarons Catalan banda. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 3rd 6pm
Eglise, Espira de l’Agly
Duo de guitares les Douces Cordes. Native to the Conflent, musicians, Caroline Cartier and Romain Brizemur, perform a free classical concert covering the great composers from across the centuries. Website.
Sunday 4th from 10am
Fête du cheval. Mass, blessing of the horses, procession, folk music and horsey activities. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 4th from 11am
Place le Foiral, Prats de Mollo
Fête catalane. Traditional Catalan festival with coblas, Sardanes, and festivities. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 4th 6pm
Eglise, Saint Cyprien
Duo de guitares les Douces Cordes. Native to the Conflent, musicians, Caroline Cartier and Romain Brizemur, perform a free classical concert covering the great composers from across the centuries. Website.
Sunday 4th 9pm
Banks of the Etang, Saint Estève

Dimanches de l’Etang. The final free live music performance of the season by the water. This week: Groupe Manhattan followed by live DJ set until 2am. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Sunday 4th 9.30pm
Jardins du Lydia, Le Barcarès

52nd Birthday. Music and celebrations followed by spectacular firework display. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Monday 5th – Sunday 11th

De la plage aux étoiles. Astronomy festival with conferences, exhibitions, observations etc. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Tuesday 6th – Sunday 11th
Amélie les Bains

Folklore Festival.

Wednesday 7th from 6pm
Quartier Rodin, Saint Cyprien

Fête du quartier Rodin. A free evening of festivities organised by the shops and businesses of the Rodin area of Argelès. DJ, inflatable games, merry-go-round etc. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Wednesday 7th 7pm
Place Maillol, Saint Cyprien

St Cyp en Live.

Wednesday 7th 8pm
Saint André

Soirée Flamenco. Flamenco show, traditional procession, tapas and more. 10€. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Thursday 8th from 9am
Port de Pêche, Le Barcarès
Barques Catalanes. Sail aboard the Flor de Sorral and El Barcarès, traditional Catalan boats, and discover the magic and legends of these heritage jewels. Over 15s- must know how to swim. Call the Office de Tourisme for info & reservations.
Thursday 8th from 7pm

La panoramique de Millas. The opening event of the 4 day Feria de Millas (be warned, there’s bull running on subsequent days), this 16km race sees participants navigate trails through the beautiful vineyards and olive groves. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info. Inscriptions at lapanoramique.millas@sfr.fr

Thursday 8th – Friday 9th

Les nuits d’août. Two nights of free live music from big names in contemporary music. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Thursday 8th – Sunday 11th
Place Paul Reig, Banyuls sur Mer

Festival de la Sardane. Traditional Catalan dancing and folklore. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Thursday 8th – Sunday 11th
Palau del Vidre

International Glass Festival.

Thursday 8th – Sunday 11th
Villelongue dels Monts

Musiques dels Monts.

Friday 9th

Festival de Blues.

Friday 9th 11am

The Secrets of Old Céret. Guided tour of Céret in English. Call the Office de Tourisme for info & reservations.

Saturday 10th 9am – 1pm
Port de Plaisance, Le Barcarès

Puces aquatiques. Nautical flea market. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Saturday 10th from 10am
Place le Foiral, Prats de Mollo

Salon du livre. Book fayre with authors and publishers, conferences, book signings and other entertainment. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Saturday 10th from 5pm
Plage centrale, Canet en Roussillon

Holi Festival. Inspired the Festival of Colour in India, various DJs will come together for a free musical afternoon and evening to delight the senses. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Saturday 10th 6pm
Fort Lagarde, Prats de Mollo

Apéro Jazz. Enjoy live music from a jazz quintet over drinks and nibbles in the historic fort. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Saturday 10th 7pm
Argelès sur Mer

Diad’Argelès. Celebrating all the very best Catalan traditions… bodégas, fanfanres, correfoc , castellersgéants… and more! Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Saturday 10th 9pm
Eglise Saint Pierre, Céret

Spanish Guitar Concert. Philippe Cornier performs Asturias by Isaac Albéniz, as well as pieces from other great Spanish composers. 13€. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Saturday 10th – Thursday 15th
Salle de l’Union, Céret

Antiques Fayre. Got an eye for antiques? Like to rummage? This is the place for you! Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Sunday 11th 7am – 12pm
Le Barcarès

Randonnée des châteaux. Group bike ride. Meet at La Coudalère tennis club for a 7am departure. Open to everyone. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Sunday 11th from 5pm

Rando Jazz. Musical walk (approx. 15 mins) from Placa Major towards the cirque de granite where you can enjoy concerts from various jazz groups. Then head back down to town to finish the evening with more live jazz. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Monday 12th 9pm
Place Jean Rolland, St Génis des Fontaines

Soirée Tahitienne. Enjoy a taste of the exotic with the Tahitienne dancers, Heiva i Tahiti. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Monday 12th – Tuesday 13th 10am – 7pm
Place de la République, Céret

Marché des potiers. 30 French and international ceramicists come together to exhibit creations in a variety of styles and techniques. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Tuesday 13th 7.30pm
Château Vicomtal, Canet en Roussillon

Jazz & Wine.

Tuesday 13th 8pm
Square Guy Malé, St Jean Pla de Corts

Tango Argentin & Milonga. Learn how to do the Argentine Tango and then put your skills on show at the Argentine ball, the Milonga. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Wednesday 14th 7pm
Place Maillol, Saint Cyprien

St Cyp en Live.

Wednesday 14th – Thursday 15th
Coastal towns & villages

Fête des Pêcheurs. Fishermen’s festival. Find out about Le Barcarès here, Saint Cyprien here and Canet en Roussillon here.

Thursday 15th
Across the region

Fête de l’Assomption.

Saturday 17th
Prats de Mollo

Alegria d’Amunt. A celebration of Catalan summertime: coblas, Sardanes, food, drink and live music from Los Made in Barcelona. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Saturday 17th 8pm
Prat de la Farga, Maureillas las Illas

Soirée 80. Enjoy tasty roasted chicken and potatoes before dancing the night away to 80s classics. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Saturday 17th – Sunday 18th
Jardins du Lydia, Le Barcarès

Food & Wine Festival. Calling all foodies! Head to the gardens of the Lydia for two days of artisan food and wine, created with passion and flair according to the seasons. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Sunday 18th

Marché des arts. Local amateur and professional artists come together to exhibit (and sell!) their creations. If you fancy showing your artwork, participation is FREE. Call 04 68 22 54 56 to register.

Sunday 18th 9.30pm
Place Charles Trenet, Canet en Roussillon

Orchestre In Time. From Bruno Mars to Jamiroquai passing via Earth Wind and Fire, Michael Jackson, Bob Marley, Prince or even Kool and the Gang, IN-TIME have an ecclectic repertoire that is sure to get you singing and dancing. Free. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Monday 19th
Port, Canet en Roussillon

Le Port en fête. A full day of celebrations at the port, starting at 9am with a fishing comptetion and finishing with a grand bal at 10.30pm. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Tuesday 20th 2pm – midnight
Forteresse de Salses

Nuit de l’astronomie et la chauve-souris.

Tuesday 20th 9.30pm
Place Charles Trenet, Canet en Roussillon

Soirée des années 50 à 80. A free evening encompassing all the greatest musicians (and dances!) from the 50s to the 80s.

Wednesday 21st 8.30pm
Théâtre Jean Piat, Canet en Roussillon

Back to Bach. Free concert from the Collectif Trytone (quintet). A repertoire spanning Baroque, classical and jazz, all inspired by Bach. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Wednesday 21st 9pm
Eglise Saint Pierre, Céret

Concert Les virtuoses de Chambre de Cologne. 8 young virtuoso soloists, all winners of presitgious competitions in Germany, come together for an exceptional concert of technical perfection. 26€. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Wednesday 21st – Sunday 25th
Banyuls sur Mer

Festa Major. A week of sardanes, music, dancing, games, carnaval processions, fireworks and more… Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Thursday 22nd from 9am
Port de Pêche, Le Barcarès

Barques Catalanes. Sail aboard the Flor de Sorral and El Barcarès, traditional Catalan boats, and discover the magic and legends of these heritage jewels. Over 15s- must know how to swim. Call the Office de Tourisme for info & reservations.

Friday 23rd 8.30pm
Eglise Notre Dame, Canet en Roussillon

Les Itinérants. Free a capella concert spanning continents and centuries. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Friday 23rd – Sunday 25th
Arènes, Céret

Y’a pas que la cerise. 3 day festival bursting with exciting local, national and international music, food, drink and entertainment. Who said there was only cherries in Céret? Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Saturday 24th
Saint Cyprien

Noël à la plage.

Saturday 24th 8.30pm
Théâtre Jean Piat, Canet en Roussillon

Piano recital. Free concert from Pierre-Alain Volondat, performing a repertoire of Fauré, Debussy, Roussel and Ravel. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Saturday 24th – Sunday 25th
Le Perthus

Fête de la Saint Louis. Mass, Sardanes, dancing, eating, giant pétanque competition and more. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Saturday 24th – Thursday 29th

Nature and Meditation : “Go towards yourself”

Wednesday 28th 7pm
Arboretum, Canet en Roussillon

Pique-nique musicale. Bring along your blanket and your hamper for this musical picnic with Duo Ephemère, performing swing, jazz, Bossa Nova etc. 5€. Reservations essential. Call 04 68 64 32 82 for info & reservations.

Thursday 29th from 9am
Port de Pêche, Le Barcarès

Barques Catalanes. Sail aboard the Flor de Sorral and El Barcarès, traditional Catalan boats, and discover the magic and legends of these heritage jewels. Over 15s- must know how to swim. Call the Office de Tourisme for info & reservations.

Thursday 29th – Friday 30th
Plage central, Argelès sur Mer

Fête des enfants. Two days of inflatable structures, balloon sculptures, cartoon parades, face painting and much, much more. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Friday 30th 9pm
Théâtre de Verdure, Céret

Made in Rock n Roll. Homage to French legend, Johnny Hallyday. 5€. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Friday 30th – Saturday 31st
Le Barcarès

Bodega del Mar.

Saturday 31st
Espace la Catalane, Ille sur Têt

Desertival. The 7th annual humanitarian festival, raising money for international children’s’ charities. Music, games, kids’ activities, artisan market and much more. Website.

Saturday 31st 9pm
Théâtre des Aspres, Thuir

Choeurs de l’exil et de l’espoir. 200 singers from the Fédération des Cors de Clavé de Catalogne Nord choir, along with 4 actors, retrace the history of those dreaming of emancipation, democracy and freedom under Franco. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info.

Saturday 31st – Sunday 15th September

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